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    Authentic: Lou Kennedy

    It doesn’t take you long to realize just what Nephron Pharmaceuticals President, CEO, and co-owner, Lou Kennedy, loves the most about living and working in Columbia.

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    Ushering in fall

    Is there anything better than autumn in Columbia? Think about it: there are so many incredible things going on in town once summer vacations end, the hot temperatures fade away, and our social calendars pick up once again.

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    See Van Gogh

    Experience artist Vincent van Gogh and those who inspired his work at the Columbia Museum of Art.

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    Authentic: Harriett Green

    The South Carolina Arts Commission has three goals: to support artist development, to establish the arts as an integral part of South Carolina’s education system, and to encourage arts development in communities around the state. Working at the Arts Commission as they take steps to accomplish these goals is Harriett Green.

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